Posted on 27-1-2025 by Dennis
From 2025, we now offer this premium brand in our webshop:
The difference between an average modeller and excellent modeller is not based on the tools used by each of them, nor is it based on the airbrush, paints, or models that they purchase. What really makes a modeler different from the others is their "experience". The experience is not limited to models, but includes all things in life. Experience makes us evolve, improve, move forward, discover new worlds, and take aim at new targets. In short, our experiences make us better in all aspects of life. Everything a modeler needs to make better models can be discovered through experience. Unfortunately for modelers, experience is always linked to time and time is the most limited resource in our lives.
Mig Jimenez S.L. is now, without a doubt, the most experienced company in the world in weathering products and modeling effects. All of this experience is now within your reach, in the most comprehensive collection of modeling products available, created and perfected over many years through the hard work and experiences of a modeler: Mig Jimenez.
A lifetime dedicated to the development of techniques for modeling, teaching, and disseminating many techniques and tricks, has resulted in a number of products that have been perfected through natural selection. From the creation of his first company Mig Productions and then AK Interactive: the experience gained through the many years of product development has resulted in the final collection, AMMO: of Mig Jimenez. Here each product is a refinement of the above, where all of the details have been improved, where formulas have been adjusted for maximum quality, performance, and efficiency to meet the demands of even the most experienced and talented modelers.
Only with AMMO you can cover all of your needs, from primers and accurate base colors to more realistic and stunning weathering. You no longer need to waste time looking for mixtures, mixing ratios, or problem solving. You can absorb and utilize all the experience of decades instantly, leaving you free to concentrate on creating your models. And this is what all creative modellers seek in the end: the fastest route between the idea and the final model. AMMO is the highway that connects your ideas to excellent final results.
So the entire AMMO team is proud to bring you only the best, the top of the pyramid, the most powerful ammunition for the most accurate results.
We are the ammunition of modeling and we will be in the field with you now – as we have been in the past - bringing your imagination and your models together.